Introducing Fairmined Gold Collections
Each collection is a small capsule of pieces that pair together - a curated collection of jewels to wear everyday.
“Fairmined is an assurance label that certifies gold from empowered responsible artisanal and small-scale mining organizations. It transforms mining into an active force for good, ensuring social development and environmental protection.
10% of the world's gold production comes from small scale artisanal miners who make up 90% of all labour in gold mining. Buying Fairmined Gold helps empower miners in some of the poorest areas of the world. Miners receive a fair payment for their gold, plus a premium which goes towards developing their communities. Work safety, health, education, environmental issues and women's rights are some of the areas improved through supporting Fairmined Gold.” - Fairmined
Buying and wearing these items, you know that they have been sourced carefully to do as little harm as possible and to bring about positive progress in the industry. It’s all about small, incremental change and empowerment.
“At one point in history, to approximate the color of ultramarine, which comes from lapis, which for quite some time was available only in one mine, in what we now call Afghanistan—Sar-e-Sang, the Place of Stone—and had to be journeyed out via hundreds of miles of treacherous trade roads, Westerners would churn up cheaper pigments with blood and copper…What I have heard: when the mines of Sar-e-Sang run dry (locals say the repressive rule of the Taliban, who, in 2000, blew up the two giant statues of Buddha at the mines’ entrance—Buddha’s whose blue auras were the oldest-known application of lapis on earth—caused a particularly long dry spell; God only knows what the American bombing has done since), the miners use dynamite to bleed a vein, in hopes of starting a “blue rush.”… when I met you, a blue rush began.”
- Maggie Nelson, Bluets
I’ve always been drawn to lapis lazuli - treasured by the Egyptians who believed it leads the soul into immortality and opens the heart to love. A stone intertwined with our human history, with all of its terror and tragedy, with all of its wonder and beauty. A stone that urges us to acknowledge that history, and to orient towards our own individual higher calling. - Anna
Chilean Lapis Lazuli & Brazilian Tourmaline set in 18K Fairmined Gold
West Buddha surrounded by caves, c. 6th-7th c C.E., stone, stucco, paint, 175 feet high, Bamiyan, Afghanistan, destroyed 2001 (photo: © Afghanistan Embassy)
Tourmaline Hexagon Collection
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